Rolf Schulmeister, University of Hamburg/DE

Rolf SchulmeisterRolf Schulmeister is Professor for Educational Science at the University of Hamburg. From 1963 - 1969 he studied German language, English and Philosophy. He received his PhD in 1969.  Rolf Schulmeister ist the founder of the "Interdisciplinary Center for Didactics in Higher Education". Since 1976 he has been appointed Professor at the University of Hamburg (first for didactics in higher education, followed by teaching methodology focussing on multimeda- development and - didactics). Since 1993 he has been contributing to the master course "Media Science" of the Faculty for Languages, Literature and Media, since 2005 he is programme director of the course  „Master of Higher Education“ at the University of Hamburg. Schulmeister ist Co-Editor of the "Zeitschrift für E-Learning".

Closing Panel "Open Trends in Higher Education: Imperatives and Challenges"

Thursday, September 18th 2008, 14:00 - 15:30

"Denk ich an Web 2.0 in der Nacht. Dann bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht.
Überforderung, BurnOut, Motivations-Schock, Cognitive Load".

Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht.
Dann bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht.
Ich kann nicht mehr die Augen schließen.
Und meine heißen Tränen fließen. (H. Heine)

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