Dear Open Science Enthusiasts,
The Leibniz Research Network Open Science and the TU Dresden Media Centre invite you to the “Barcamp Open Science@GeNeMe 2020”. The Barcamp is part of the event Barcamp Open Science and will be held as an online event on 7 October 2020 for the first time outside of Berlin as a pre-conference of the 23rd conference GeNeMe – Communities in New Media. GeNeMe 2020 convenes from 7 to 9 October on the topic “From Hybrid Realities to Hybrid Communities” for the first time as a hybrid conference held simultaneously on site in Dresden and online.
The global fight against the spread of the corona virus has dominated the social, economic and cultural life of most countries in the world to an unprecedented extent since the beginning of 2020. The current interest of citizens in highly complex topics is high and shows the enormous importance of scientific knowledge for the handling of global crises. Under the eyes of politicians and the public, scientists around the globe are working together to find solutions to the corona crisis. This also includes interpreting this knowledge with politicians and the public. In this respect, this exceptional situation illustrates the value of the ideals of Open Science for the scientific community and for society as a whole – the role of transparency, collaboration and the rapid exchange of research results in science, and how effective science communication can be used to share new findings comprehensively and translate them quickly into social and political practice. In addition, the crisis experience brings other social threats such as climate change or global environmental destruction back into the public consciousness. At this year’s Barcamp Open Science@GeNeMe 2020, we want to explore with you the opportunities for Open Science in overcoming global crises and discuss together how the Open Science movement should position itself in relation to current crisis experiences.
Like so many other events this year, we are taking up the challenge of organizing the Barcamp in a purely online format for the first time. At the same time, however, we also see this challenge as an opportunity to further open up the Barcamp for international participation and to invite Open Science enthusiasts from all over the world to join us and exchange ideas, discuss new developments and share their experiences in the proliferation of open, collaborative and digital science.
Registration is required and is now possible, the number of participants is limited to 60 persons. Tickets can be purchased free of charge under the following link. With the participation in the Barcamp, admission to the GeNeMe 2020 is also available. Further information about the program and the organization of the Barcamp Open Science@GeNeMe 2020 will follow soon.
Date: 7 October 2020, 9:30 am – 6:30 pm
Location: Online
Registration: Tickets available via Eventbrite
Kind regards,
Sabine Barthold
Organizing Committee
Barcamp Open Science@Geneme
TU Dresden
Media Centre
01062 Dresden
Phone +49 351 463 37918