Heike WieSNer, Harriet-Taylor-Mill Institute of the Berlin School of Economics
Heike Wiesner is Visiting Professor for Knowledge
Management, eLearning and Diversity at the Taylor-Mill-Institute of the
Berlin School of Economics. She received her doctoral degree in
2001 in the fields ofscience, technology and gender studies at the
University of Bremen. From 1993-1995 she was research assistant at the
University of Bremen followed by research studies at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT), USA (Women’s Studies programme with
Evelyn Fox Keller). From 2001-2004 she worked in the research
group “Digital Media in Education” (DiMeB) at the Department of
Computer Science at the University of Bremen. From 2005-2006
Heike Wiesner held a Visiting Professorship at the University of
Applied Sciences in Wilhelmshaven in the field of business informatics
and eLearning.
Thurdsay, September 18th 2008, 14:00 - 15:30
“Under the criteria of diversity and gender Web 2.0 represents a
notable democratization in the area of equal opportunities by way of
the backdoor – both an innovative and economically promising